Coastal Construction Management, CONNECTICUT

We received a great letter from Michael Scarpa at Coastal Construction Management, LLC in Pawcatuck, Connecticut. It’s his first project with Warmboard, and things are off to a great start. We’ll be following up with him in the months ahead for an update.

"I had heard about Warmboard subflooring, but assumed it would be too cost prohibitive to use – until I sat down and did a price comparison to Quik Trak product. I was surprised to find that Warmboard was actually less expensive. The equalizer comes from the labor to install Warmboard. I pay my framing crew to install a subfloor, whether it’s a standard T&G or Warmboard, so there is no cost variance, or perhaps a small increase depending on the amount of custom routing required. But, using Warmboard, I don’t have to pay my plumbers to install a Quik Trak panel system at the rough-in stage of the project – which, at plumbing rates, can be very expensive and time consuming. This savings more than makes up for the added cost of the Warmboard panels. Installing the tubing is about equal, with a slight edge to Warmboard due to the 12” spacing compared to the 8” for Quik Trak (less tubing equals less labor). All this said, it’s really the performance that is going to blow the competition away.

Warmboard-S installs over joist on this ocean-front property.

Warmboard-S installs over joist on this ocean-front property.

This is our first project using Warmboard so I’m really eager to hear the client’s comments on comfort and feel. I’m confident they’ll be impressed.

All of my dealings with Warmboard so far have been nothing short of impressive.

Coastal Construction Management, LLC.

CCM LLC is a full-service construction company located in Pawcatuck, Connecticut. CCM offers Cost-Plus Construction – based on actual costs plus a pre-determined percentage. This type of construction fee offers substantial savings and peace of mind to the homeowner. The homeowner saves through reduction of the contractor’s profit and overhead as some of the contractor’s risk involved in fixed-price contracting is assumed by the homeowner. The owner receives the direct benefit of the contractor’s considerable discounts. The homeowner is provided a detailed breakdown of expenses.

Michael Scarpa
Coastal Construction Management LLC.
266 South Broad Street
Pawcatuck, CT 06379

To see how Quik Trak performs against Warmboard, see the video below.



Winterburn Construction, California

"Warmboard has become my company’s and my client’s preferred radiant flooring heat option over the last fifteen years.

Warmboard makes installation of their product easy for first time users. The product is delivered directly to your construction site equipped with plans for layout and an installation kit. You will need two people to install the product with ease; simply follow the plans provided, each sheet fits together like a puzzle and installation actually becomes fun. One tip to first time installers: frame exterior walls, install tubing then frame interior walls.

From our engineering and building perspective there is no comparable product. Warmboard, replaces traditional subfloor and reduces the weight factor of gypsum concrete, thus significantly lowering engineering and construction costs. Ultimately, you’re provided a superior subfloor material.

From our client’s perspective, we have only had positive feedback. Warmboard radiates the heat back up instead of into the flooring system; it’s covered with a sheet of aluminum that reflects the heat upward. The energy costs for our clients are significantly lowered by Warmboard’s energy efficiency.

Architects, engineers, builders and homeowners I’ve worked with like Warmboard because it lowers building costs providing the client with a substantially superior product to traditional radiant heat flooring."

John Winterburn
Winterburn Construction